Hiking Trails in Kenya

Hiking in Kenya is a popular pastime for both tourists and locals. Kenya has a range of hiking trails which range from onerous mountain hikes to easier walking trails. Ngong Hills Ngong Hills is close [..]
Exploring the Ups and Downs in Life
Hiking in Kenya is a popular pastime for both tourists and locals. Kenya has a range of hiking trails which range from onerous mountain hikes to easier walking trails. Ngong Hills Ngong Hills is close [..]
There are some fantastic gadgets on the market that make hiking better than ever. Let’s take a look: Swiss Army Pocket Knife This is an excellent companion for any hiker and can do a myriad [..]
The Himalaya is the highest mountain range in the world and is a popular location for visitors going to Nepal, India, Bhutan, China and Pakistan. Plus, it is home to Mount Everest, arguably the world’s [..]
Cape Town in South Africa is also fondly known as the Mother City, and is known throughout the world for its spectacular scenery and beauty. Cape Town has many excellent hiking trails, for both beginners [..]
Before setting off on a hike, whether it is a short hike or over a few days, there are many things to think about. Planning is Important Before embarking on any type of activity planning [..]
Choosing footwear for a hiking trip may be one of the most important decisions you will make. A good quality hiking shoe will prevent blisters, strained muscles and sore toes, which is a sure way [..]