Hiking is a great outdoor activity that allows a person to escape from the stresses of the city life and enjoy everything that the great outdoors has to offer. For the most part, hiking is a fairly safe activity, especially if it’s just a small hike done over a few hours.
But for hikers that like to go out for a few days at a time, there’s always the chance that something might go wrong, which is even more dangerous when we consider how isolated a hiker might be. For that reason, it’s vital to keep a few safety tips in mind when hiking in the wilderness.
1. Always Stick To The Paths
This is a rule that even the most experienced hikers sometimes have trouble following, especially when they are familiar with a certain environment. But it’s always highly recommended to stay on the designated hiking paths as much as possible.
These are paths that have proven to be safe, are regularly maintained, and if something were to go wrong, it would be much easier for rescuers to find a downed hiker if they close to the paths. It’s tempting to go out and explore the surrounding area, but it’s usually never a good idea.
2. Make Prior Arrangements
One of the biggest mistakes that a hiker can make before heading out is not telling anyone where they are going. This can be as simple as telling a family member or friend when they intend to return, which means that if the hiker does not make it home on time, at least someone will be aware.
On top of that, it’s always a good idea to inform the local rangers of a hiking trip and what the expected date of return is, which drastically increases the chance of the hiker being located if something goes wrong along the way, or if they get too carried away playing their favourite online slots in Canada.
3. Take A First Aid Kit
It’s vital to always take a first aid kit with heading out into the wild. A quality kit will be packed with tools that can increase the chances of survival. From blankets to bandages to allergy medication, one of the best ways to survive an accident is by stopping any injuries from getting worse, at least until the hiker is found by rescuers.
First aid kits come in many shapes and sizes, and it’s worth taking the time to do a bit of research online and find kits that tick all the right boxes. To further this, it’s also worth going to some first aid lessons to get a basic understanding of what to do in an emergency.
4. Water Purification
While a hiker will most likely take more than enough water with them than what is needed, it’s always a good idea to have some means of water purification available.
A purification straw is a good start, but any decent light filtration system will work. Even just having a pot and the means to make a fire can help clean water and make it drinkable.